Constitution with Membership Requirements

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International Society of Polygraph Examiners
The name of this organization shall be the International Society of Polygraph Examiners (ISOPE).
1. To allow truth to prevail through the means of Polygraph.
2. To develop cooperation among all polygraph examiners throughout the world and offer them a means to network, communicate and professionally grow.
3. To unite polygraph examiners throughout the world regardless of whether they practice their profession as a private examiner or an examiner with a governmental/law enforcement agency.
4. To encourage polygraph examiners throughout the world to utilize best practice standards in their search for truth.
5. To establish and enforce a Code of Ethics and a set of Standards of Practice ensuring the highest level of professional conduct and performance in the polygraph profession.
6. To encourage and foster scientific research and training through research and advanced training.
7. To promote and advance government and public awareness and understanding of the polygraph procedure.
8. To publicize the name and prestige of the International Society of Polygraph Examiners.
1. The Board of Directors shall decide who shall be accepted to, and reinstated in the International Society of Polygraph Examiners (ISOPE). Membership in ISOPE is a privilege.
2. There will be nine (9) classes of membership:
a. Full Member
b. Intern Member
c. Associate Member
d. Special Member
e. Science and Technology Member
f. Honorary Member
g. Retired Member
h. Life Member
i. Chapter Member
3. Changes or additions to classes of membership or qualifications, rights and privileges of each class of membership shall be recommended only by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors. These changes must be approved by a majority vote of all voting members present at any meeting of the General Membership
4. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Article, membership in the Association may be suspended or terminated by the Board of Directors for:
a. Any act contrary to the provisions of the Code of Ethics and/or the Standards of Practice.
b. Conduct which brings, or may tend to bring, discredit to the Society or the polygraph profession.
c. Failure of any member to meet his, her or its financial obligations to the Society when due and payable.
d. In lieu of suspension or termination of membership, the Board of Directors may censure any member, publicly or privately, or impose such other discipline as deemed appropriate.
e. The Board shall act upon the findings and recommendations of the Grievance Committee at the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors.
Membership and Voting Rights
1. Full Member
a. Be a graduate of a polygraph school that is recognized by the International Society of Polygraph Examiners. The curriculum of the school must meet ASTM educational standards.
b. Has a minimum of a Baccalaureate Degree issued by an institution of higher learning which is accredited by a National Authority in which that institution is located.
c. Shall not have been convicted of a felony crime, or any misdemeanor crime of moral turpitude.
d. Has conducted a minimum of one hundred (200) polygraph examinations.
e. Can serve in any capacity or office in the ISOPE and has full voting rights.
2. Intern Member
a. Has met all of the requirements of full membership, with the exception of requirement (d).
i. Upon successful completion and documentation of two hundred (200) polygraph examinations the Intern Member shall automatically by upgraded to full membership.
ii. Cannot hold official office in the ISOPE, however can serve on an ISOPE committee or sub-committee and has full voting rights.
3. Associate Member
a. Has met all of the requirements of full membership, with the exception of (b).
i. Upon successful completion and documentation of a Baccalaureate Degree the Associate Member shall automatically by upgraded to full membership.
ii. Cannot hold official office in the ISOPE, however can serve on an ISOPE committee or sub-committee and has full voting rights.
iii. Associate Members can be upgraded to full membership without the degree if:
1. They have been Associate member for at least 36 months.
2. During this time they have successfully completed a minimum of 120 hours of continuing education in topics directly related to polygraph testing, including at least one ISOPE annual seminar, or, they have completed an approved refresher course conducted by a school recognized by the ISOPE.
3. They have scored a minimum of 75 in a qualifying examination demonstrating their knowledge and competence in the administration of polygraph procedures. This examination shall consist of an oral and written assessment of both academic and practical knowledge of detection of deception and shall be administered by a member of the ISOPE Membership Committee.
a. They present a minimum of 12 polygraph examinations, including polygraph charts and manual scoring performed on these examinations during the oral portion of the assessment.
4. They are in attendance at an annual seminar of the ISOPE at the time of consideration of their request for upgrading to Full Member.
5. They have completed a minimum of 225 polygraph examinations since becoming an Associate Member.
4. Special Member
a. Is a practicing polygraph examiner who has not attended a school recognized by the ISOPE.
b. Cannot hold ISPOPE office, serve on any ISOPE committee or sub-committee, or has voting rights in the ISOPE.
i. Special Members can be upgraded to Associate membership if:
1. They have been a Special member for at least 36 months.
2. During this time they have successfully completed a minimum of 120 hours of continuing education in topics directly related to polygraph testing, including at least one ISOPE annual seminar, or, they have completed an approved refresher course conducted by a school recognized by the ISOPE.
3. They have scored a minimum of 75 in a qualifying examination demonstrating their knowledge and competence in the administration of polygraph procedures. This examination shall consist of an oral and written assessment of both academic and practical knowledge of detection of deception and shall be administered by a member of the ISOPE Membership Committee.
a. They present a minimum of 12 polygraph examinations, including polygraph charts and manual scoring performed on these examinations during the oral portion of the assessment.
4. They are in attendance at an annual seminar of the ISOPE at the time of consideration of their request for upgrading to Associate Member.
5. They have completed a minimum of 225 polygraph examinations since becoming a Special Member.
5. Science and Technology Member
a. Science and Technology members are defined as people, organizations or corporations who have a professional or scientific interest in the polygraph profession through polygraph research or instrumentation
b. They cannot hold ISOPE office or vote.
c. They cannot Chair any ISOPE committee or sub-committee, however they can serve as a member of an ISOPE committee or sub-committee.
6. Honorary Member
a. Honorary members are defined as people who have made an outstanding contribution to the ISOPE and the polygraph profession.
i. And who have been nominated by two Full or Associate members, and approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors and majority vote of Voting Members present at a General Membership meeting.
b. Honorary members cannot vote, hold ISOPE office, or serve on any ISOPE committee or sub-committee.
c. Honorary members are not required to pay ISOPE annual dues.
7. Retired Member
a. Must be at least 65 years of age.
b. Are no longer engaged in polygraph money making employment.
c. Have attended a minimum of five (5) ISOPE Annual Seminars.
d. Have been approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors and majority vote of Voting Members present at a General Membership meeting
i. Retired members have full voting rights and can serve on any ISOPE committee or sub-committee.
ii. Retired members cannot serve as an ISOPE officer.
e. Retired members are not required to pay ISOPE annual dues.
8. Life Member
a. A Life Member is a Full member who has been nominated for Life Membership by a Full or Associate Member.
i. And who have been nominated by two Full or Associate members, and approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors and majority vote of Voting Members present at a General Membership meeting.
b. Life members can vote, hold ISOPE office, or serve on any ISOPE committee or sub-committee.
c. Life members are not required to pay ISOPE annual dues.
9. Chapter Member
a. A Chapter Member is a polygraph organization/association who desires a professional relationship with the ISOPE, and whose members agree to abide by the ISOPE Constitution, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
b. Organizations/associations desiring to become a Chapter Member must:
i. File a copy of its Constitution or By-laws with the Board and, if granted Chapter membership, notify the Board of any changes in said documents.
ii. Be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board.
iii. Be autonomous in all matters, but must be in compliance with the Constitution, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the ISOPE.
iv. Not represent them self as other than a Chapter Member of the ISOPE nor represent that by virtue of their Chapter Membership some or all of the members therein are members of the ISOPE. This shall not preclude members of the ISOPE from belonging to a Divisional Member and representing themselves to be members of the ISOPE.
v. Maintain separate financial accounts and records from the ISOPE and not bind the ISOPE to any financial commitment or responsibility.
vi. The Board of Directors may upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, revoke Charter Membership of any member who:
1. Fails to subscribe to or enforce upon its members the Constitution of the ISOPE or its Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
2. Fails to hold a meeting of its General Membership within a twelve (12) month period.
1. The officers of ISOPE shall be a President, three Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and eight Directors, all of whom shall constitute the Board of Directors. A retiring President of the Society shall automatically become the Chairman of the Board of Directors until the retirement of the next President. All officers must be able to communicate in the English language.
2. All officers shall be elected to serve for a term of two years. Four of the eight Directors, President, Secretary and one Vice President will be elected on even years and four Directors, two Vice Presidents and Treasurer will be elected on odd years.
3. No elected Director shall serve more than two terms consecutively.
Duties of Officers
1. The Chairman of the Board shall preside at all meetings.
2. With the authorization of the Board of Directors, the President shall sign all written contracts and obligations of ISOPE, delegate or empower the Treasurer and/or Secretary to do so in certain instances. The President shall perform all others duties usually pertaining to such office, and shall appoint all committees and be an ex-officio member of all committees.
3. Each Vice President shall serve as a direct liaison to one of the following groups of ISOPE: Government, Law Enforcement and Private. They will assist the President in the performance of their duties and the senior Vice President, (as determined by votes cast by the Board of Directors or by lot), in the absence of the President shall perform all duties of the President.
4. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the ISOPE, and of the Board of Directors and record same in a book kept for this purpose. He shall issue notices of all meetings, conduct the normal correspondence of this Society, and keep its records and perform other such duties usually pertaining to the office of Secretary as required by the Board of Directors.
5. The Treasurer shall receive all dues and monies paid into the Society. Such monies shall be deposited in a banking institution designated by the ISOPE and the Treasurer shall maintain a record of all disbursements by the Society. All checks must be signed by one of the following: the President or Treasurer, except for checks in an amount in excess of $500.00 where both signatures shall be required.
6. The finance committee shall consist of the President, the Treasurer, and not less than three members of ISOPE appointed by the President. It shall be available for discussions and decisions on any or all financial matters of ISOPE at the call of the President, should such discussions become necessary.
1. The Board of Directors will be made up of eight elected full members representing different respected geographical World divisions.
2. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to pass on all new candidates for membership in this Society stipulated in Article III of the Constitution.
3. It shall also be the duty of the Board of Directors to act as an advisory committee to the President. The Board shall fill vacancies in any office for an unexpired term, excepting the President. After each election it shall be the duty of the President to call as soon as possible a meeting of the Board and organize assignments for the coming year.
4. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to recommend to ISOPE the dismissal of a member for conduct detrimental to the welfare of the Society. A vote of three-fifths of the Board membership shall be sufficient to place the question of dismissal before the general membership. ISOPE membership shall be notified by mail of any proposed dismissal. A vote of three-fourths of the members present at a meeting shall be sufficient for dismissal. The accused shall have the right to defend him/herself before both the Board and the general membership.
1. The General Membership of the Association shall meet once each calendar year for
a General Membership Meeting and act upon any business brought before it. The
General Membership may elect to meet at any other time for any other purpose. The
Board of Directors shall establish the date, time and place of the annual seminar and
annual General Membership Meeting.
2. Voting Members as defined, present at any meeting of the General Membership shall constitute a quorum to transact any and all business brought before the membership by proper motion. A simple majority vote, unless otherwise provided in the motion, shall be sufficient to carry any motion. All votes, other than those for elective office, shall be taken by voice vote unless the motion requires a vote by secret written ballot in which case the vote shall be taken by secret written ballot.
3. Officers shall be elected by ballot by majority vote of those electors, as specified by the By-Laws Election Procedures. All Officers and Directors shall take office immediately upon taking the oath of office at the annual banquet held at the annual Seminar and General Membership Meeting.
4. In the event of death, resignation or the inability to act of any Officer or Director, the
Board of Directors shall immediately appoint any Voting Member to serve the unexpired
term of the deceased, resigned or disabled Officer or Director. A vacancy in the office of
the President shall be filled by the Senior Vice-President for the balance of the term
remaining, and one year thereafter, or until a successor is duly qualified. Any vacancy
in the office of the Immediate Past President will result in the duties of that office being
assumed by the President, who will retain rights as a voting member of the Board while
serving as Chair of the Board for the unexpired term, or until a successor as President
is duly qualified.
5. Members of the Board of Directors may be removed, for cause, by a majority vote of
the General Membership.
6. Any Member shall be entitled to speak on the floor at any meeting of the General
Membership. Only Voting Members as defined in the By-Laws shall have the right to
vote upon motions, elections or any other business brought before the general
7. Dues, and the amount thereof, may be established by a majority vote of the Board of
Directors. Dues shall be levied against all members in equal amount; provided, no dues
shall be levied against Life Members, Honorary Members or Retirees, and the amount
of dues levied against Chapter Members shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
8. For the sole purpose of providing recruitment incentives, when deemed appropriate,
the Board of Directors shall have the authority to waive, suspend, adjust, or modify the
existing membership dues and/or fees for specified groups of applicants or potential
applicants when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of ISOPE.
9. Special Assessments, and the amount thereof, may be established and levied by the
Board of Directors; provided, no single special assessment shall exceed the amount of
dues levied in the year in which the special assessment is imposed. All members,
except honorary members, may be subject to any assessment.
Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees
1. The President shall establish the following standing committees and shall appoint a
general chairperson from the membership of the Board of Directors for each committee:
a. Communication and Public relations Committee
b. Ethics and Grievance Committee
c. Member Services Committee
d. Professional Development Committee
e. Research and Development Committee
f. Standards and Specialized Testing Committee
g. Seminar Committee
h. Case Review Committee
2. The General Chair will nominate to the President appointment of eligible ISOPE
members to serve as chairpersons of each committee.
3. The Chairpersons report to the General Chair and supervise the operation of the various Committees.
4. The General Chair is responsible for presenting the status of the committee actions
to the President and the Board of Directors.
5. The President may establish Ad-Hoc committees for the purpose of administering
the goals and objectives of the Association and may appoint any Voting Member to act as Chairperson.
6. Policies and Procedures established by the Board of Directors in administrating the
Association shall be documented by the Secretary and retained at the National Office.
Disciplinary Action
Membership in ISOPE is a privilege not a right. Every member upon admittance to ISOPE shall be deemed to have agreed to comply with this Constitution. Therefore, any member is subject to the findings and disciplinary actions outlined below, up to and including expulsion from membership
1. Allegations of misconduct may include any of the following: illegal, unethical, dishonorable, indecorous or unbecoming behavior. Criminal behavior, whether felony or misdemeanor. Acts involving moral turpitude. Any conduct that injures or tends to bring discredit to the polygraph profession adversely effects the reputation of ISOPE. Allegation must be submitted in writing to any member of the Board of Directors. Within five days of receipt the Board member must submit the allegation to the President. The President will immediately forward a copy of the allegation to the Chair of the Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee, at its discretion, may determine if further action is warranted. The Society’s records will reflect the action leading to and including the resolution of the allegations. Upon receipt, the Secretary will notify the accused member in writing within ten working days of the nature of the allegation and the accuser. Notification will be made by certified mail with return receipt requested.
2. Grievance Committee: The Committee will consist of the presidentially appointed Director and two approved Members. The Director will serve as Chair of the Committee. The Grievance Committee will conduct an investigation of the allegation to include, but not be limited to, contacting all named parties within the allegation, review all written documentation (including charts, reports and other written documents associated with the allegations), review any associated recordings or videos and to take statements as necessary. The committee will use all reasonable and legal avenues to determine the truth and severity of the allegation. The President may grant permission
to the Grievance Committee to utilize polygraph examinations in the course of the inquiry. Within sixty days of receipt of the allegation, the Grievance Committee will make a written report to the Board of Directors concerning the Committees findings. This report shall include a recommendation as to a specific finding and discipline as noted below.
3. The Board of Directors, Chair of the Grievance Committee, will then hold a hearing. The Board of Directors, based upon the severity and nature of the accusation, and the proximity of the next Board meeting will determine if the hearing is to be conducted in person or by conference call. The Chair will notify the accused and the complainant of the hearing date, time and location by certified mail, return receipt. The accused and the complainant may choose to present his/her case either in person or in writing. The accused and complainant may present any witnesses who have information that are directly related to the accusation. The Board may call any witnesses it deems necessary. ISOPE will bear the cost of Board or Grievance Committee members directly related to the investigation and hearing with prior Board approval. ISOPE will not bear any cost related to the complainant or the accused. On the date of the hearing, after considering the Grievance Committee report, and all other available information, the Board will issue any findings by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board. The finding will reflect as to whether or not the allegation is found, unfounded or not sustained. A founded finding indicates that the allegation occurred. An unfounded finding indicates the preponderance of the evidence indicates that the allegation did not occur. Not sustained indicates either that the preponderance of the evidence could not support a finding or dismissal of the allegation or that the nature of the allegation is such that it is not a breach of the Constitution or Bylaws or it was unrelated to the accused’s reputation or work as polygraphist. If the allegation is founded, disciplinary action will be taken as described below.
4. Disciplinary Action will be decided by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board as follows:
a. Censure
b. Remedial training and/or probation
c. Suspension of membership (not to exceed 12 months) - reapplication m required
d. Revocation of membership - no reapplication allowed
At any time after an allegation is received, the accused member may resign. The Board of Directors by a majority vote will decide if the resignation is accepted with or without prejudice. A vote of with prejudice indicates that the allegation has enough merit that it is possible that the Board may elect to conduct an investigation within a twelve-month period.
5. Appeals
a. Within ten days of notification of the Board’s findings and disciplinary action, the accused may file an appeal of the finding or the disciplinary action. The notice of appeal must be in written form to the President. The finding and disciplinary action will be stayed pending the outcome of the appeal.
b. The appeal will be heard by the membership at the next scheduled Annual Meeting. Notice of the appeal hearing will be published preceding the Annual Meeting, or by the Secretary making a special mailing to the membership of the notice of the appeal hearing. The Chair of the Grievance Committee will present the report to the membership. The accused may present his/her side in person or in writing. A two-thirds majority vote the voting members can overturn the Board’s findings and may vote to reduce or overturn the Board’s disciplinary action. The decision of the membership is final.
1. By-Laws to this Constitution shall be established and maintained by the Board of
Directors for the purpose of promoting the mission of the Society and administering the
goals and objectives thereof.
2. Unless otherwise specified, By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority
vote of the ten (10) voting members of the Board; provided, no amendment or other
revision shall be voted upon unless a copy of the proposed amendment or revision has
been mailed or otherwise provided to all members of the Board at least thirty (30) days
prior to the meeting upon which the amendment is to be voted.
Parliamentary Authority
1. In all instances not covered by this Constitution, the parliamentary authority for the Society shall be Robert's Rules of Order, as amended.
2. All meetings of the General Membership shall be conducted in accordance with
Robert's Rules of Order, as amended.
3. All meetings of the Board of Directors shall be conducted in accordance with
Robert's Rules of Order, as amended.
1. This Constitution may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all Voting
Members, as designated:
a. present and voting at any meeting of the General Membership, or
b. by mail ballot.
c. No amendment or replacement shall be voted upon unless a copy of the proposed amendment or revision has been mailed or otherwise provided to all Voting Members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be voted upon or the deadline set in the mail ballot.
d. Amendments may be proposed by any member to the Board of Directors and shall be submitted to the General Membership either on order by the Board of Directors or by petition signed by five (5) members in good standing of ISOPE.
e. Amendments shall take effect immediately upon approval unless otherwise stated in the amendment.
The effective date of this Constitution is January 1, 2014
International Society of Polygraph Examiners
The name of this organization shall be the International Society of Polygraph Examiners (ISOPE).
1. To allow truth to prevail through the means of Polygraph.
2. To develop cooperation among all polygraph examiners throughout the world and offer them a means to network, communicate and professionally grow.
3. To unite polygraph examiners throughout the world regardless of whether they practice their profession as a private examiner or an examiner with a governmental/law enforcement agency.
4. To encourage polygraph examiners throughout the world to utilize best practice standards in their search for truth.
5. To establish and enforce a Code of Ethics and a set of Standards of Practice ensuring the highest level of professional conduct and performance in the polygraph profession.
6. To encourage and foster scientific research and training through research and advanced training.
7. To promote and advance government and public awareness and understanding of the polygraph procedure.
8. To publicize the name and prestige of the International Society of Polygraph Examiners.
1. The Board of Directors shall decide who shall be accepted to, and reinstated in the International Society of Polygraph Examiners (ISOPE). Membership in ISOPE is a privilege.
2. There will be nine (9) classes of membership:
a. Full Member
b. Intern Member
c. Associate Member
d. Special Member
e. Science and Technology Member
f. Honorary Member
g. Retired Member
h. Life Member
i. Chapter Member
3. Changes or additions to classes of membership or qualifications, rights and privileges of each class of membership shall be recommended only by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors. These changes must be approved by a majority vote of all voting members present at any meeting of the General Membership
4. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Article, membership in the Association may be suspended or terminated by the Board of Directors for:
a. Any act contrary to the provisions of the Code of Ethics and/or the Standards of Practice.
b. Conduct which brings, or may tend to bring, discredit to the Society or the polygraph profession.
c. Failure of any member to meet his, her or its financial obligations to the Society when due and payable.
d. In lieu of suspension or termination of membership, the Board of Directors may censure any member, publicly or privately, or impose such other discipline as deemed appropriate.
e. The Board shall act upon the findings and recommendations of the Grievance Committee at the next scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors.
Membership and Voting Rights
1. Full Member
a. Be a graduate of a polygraph school that is recognized by the International Society of Polygraph Examiners. The curriculum of the school must meet ASTM educational standards.
b. Has a minimum of a Baccalaureate Degree issued by an institution of higher learning which is accredited by a National Authority in which that institution is located.
c. Shall not have been convicted of a felony crime, or any misdemeanor crime of moral turpitude.
d. Has conducted a minimum of one hundred (200) polygraph examinations.
e. Can serve in any capacity or office in the ISOPE and has full voting rights.
2. Intern Member
a. Has met all of the requirements of full membership, with the exception of requirement (d).
i. Upon successful completion and documentation of two hundred (200) polygraph examinations the Intern Member shall automatically by upgraded to full membership.
ii. Cannot hold official office in the ISOPE, however can serve on an ISOPE committee or sub-committee and has full voting rights.
3. Associate Member
a. Has met all of the requirements of full membership, with the exception of (b).
i. Upon successful completion and documentation of a Baccalaureate Degree the Associate Member shall automatically by upgraded to full membership.
ii. Cannot hold official office in the ISOPE, however can serve on an ISOPE committee or sub-committee and has full voting rights.
iii. Associate Members can be upgraded to full membership without the degree if:
1. They have been Associate member for at least 36 months.
2. During this time they have successfully completed a minimum of 120 hours of continuing education in topics directly related to polygraph testing, including at least one ISOPE annual seminar, or, they have completed an approved refresher course conducted by a school recognized by the ISOPE.
3. They have scored a minimum of 75 in a qualifying examination demonstrating their knowledge and competence in the administration of polygraph procedures. This examination shall consist of an oral and written assessment of both academic and practical knowledge of detection of deception and shall be administered by a member of the ISOPE Membership Committee.
a. They present a minimum of 12 polygraph examinations, including polygraph charts and manual scoring performed on these examinations during the oral portion of the assessment.
4. They are in attendance at an annual seminar of the ISOPE at the time of consideration of their request for upgrading to Full Member.
5. They have completed a minimum of 225 polygraph examinations since becoming an Associate Member.
4. Special Member
a. Is a practicing polygraph examiner who has not attended a school recognized by the ISOPE.
b. Cannot hold ISPOPE office, serve on any ISOPE committee or sub-committee, or has voting rights in the ISOPE.
i. Special Members can be upgraded to Associate membership if:
1. They have been a Special member for at least 36 months.
2. During this time they have successfully completed a minimum of 120 hours of continuing education in topics directly related to polygraph testing, including at least one ISOPE annual seminar, or, they have completed an approved refresher course conducted by a school recognized by the ISOPE.
3. They have scored a minimum of 75 in a qualifying examination demonstrating their knowledge and competence in the administration of polygraph procedures. This examination shall consist of an oral and written assessment of both academic and practical knowledge of detection of deception and shall be administered by a member of the ISOPE Membership Committee.
a. They present a minimum of 12 polygraph examinations, including polygraph charts and manual scoring performed on these examinations during the oral portion of the assessment.
4. They are in attendance at an annual seminar of the ISOPE at the time of consideration of their request for upgrading to Associate Member.
5. They have completed a minimum of 225 polygraph examinations since becoming a Special Member.
5. Science and Technology Member
a. Science and Technology members are defined as people, organizations or corporations who have a professional or scientific interest in the polygraph profession through polygraph research or instrumentation
b. They cannot hold ISOPE office or vote.
c. They cannot Chair any ISOPE committee or sub-committee, however they can serve as a member of an ISOPE committee or sub-committee.
6. Honorary Member
a. Honorary members are defined as people who have made an outstanding contribution to the ISOPE and the polygraph profession.
i. And who have been nominated by two Full or Associate members, and approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors and majority vote of Voting Members present at a General Membership meeting.
b. Honorary members cannot vote, hold ISOPE office, or serve on any ISOPE committee or sub-committee.
c. Honorary members are not required to pay ISOPE annual dues.
7. Retired Member
a. Must be at least 65 years of age.
b. Are no longer engaged in polygraph money making employment.
c. Have attended a minimum of five (5) ISOPE Annual Seminars.
d. Have been approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors and majority vote of Voting Members present at a General Membership meeting
i. Retired members have full voting rights and can serve on any ISOPE committee or sub-committee.
ii. Retired members cannot serve as an ISOPE officer.
e. Retired members are not required to pay ISOPE annual dues.
8. Life Member
a. A Life Member is a Full member who has been nominated for Life Membership by a Full or Associate Member.
i. And who have been nominated by two Full or Associate members, and approved by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors and majority vote of Voting Members present at a General Membership meeting.
b. Life members can vote, hold ISOPE office, or serve on any ISOPE committee or sub-committee.
c. Life members are not required to pay ISOPE annual dues.
9. Chapter Member
a. A Chapter Member is a polygraph organization/association who desires a professional relationship with the ISOPE, and whose members agree to abide by the ISOPE Constitution, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
b. Organizations/associations desiring to become a Chapter Member must:
i. File a copy of its Constitution or By-laws with the Board and, if granted Chapter membership, notify the Board of any changes in said documents.
ii. Be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board.
iii. Be autonomous in all matters, but must be in compliance with the Constitution, Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the ISOPE.
iv. Not represent them self as other than a Chapter Member of the ISOPE nor represent that by virtue of their Chapter Membership some or all of the members therein are members of the ISOPE. This shall not preclude members of the ISOPE from belonging to a Divisional Member and representing themselves to be members of the ISOPE.
v. Maintain separate financial accounts and records from the ISOPE and not bind the ISOPE to any financial commitment or responsibility.
vi. The Board of Directors may upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, revoke Charter Membership of any member who:
1. Fails to subscribe to or enforce upon its members the Constitution of the ISOPE or its Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice.
2. Fails to hold a meeting of its General Membership within a twelve (12) month period.
1. The officers of ISOPE shall be a President, three Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and eight Directors, all of whom shall constitute the Board of Directors. A retiring President of the Society shall automatically become the Chairman of the Board of Directors until the retirement of the next President. All officers must be able to communicate in the English language.
2. All officers shall be elected to serve for a term of two years. Four of the eight Directors, President, Secretary and one Vice President will be elected on even years and four Directors, two Vice Presidents and Treasurer will be elected on odd years.
3. No elected Director shall serve more than two terms consecutively.
Duties of Officers
1. The Chairman of the Board shall preside at all meetings.
2. With the authorization of the Board of Directors, the President shall sign all written contracts and obligations of ISOPE, delegate or empower the Treasurer and/or Secretary to do so in certain instances. The President shall perform all others duties usually pertaining to such office, and shall appoint all committees and be an ex-officio member of all committees.
3. Each Vice President shall serve as a direct liaison to one of the following groups of ISOPE: Government, Law Enforcement and Private. They will assist the President in the performance of their duties and the senior Vice President, (as determined by votes cast by the Board of Directors or by lot), in the absence of the President shall perform all duties of the President.
4. The Secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the ISOPE, and of the Board of Directors and record same in a book kept for this purpose. He shall issue notices of all meetings, conduct the normal correspondence of this Society, and keep its records and perform other such duties usually pertaining to the office of Secretary as required by the Board of Directors.
5. The Treasurer shall receive all dues and monies paid into the Society. Such monies shall be deposited in a banking institution designated by the ISOPE and the Treasurer shall maintain a record of all disbursements by the Society. All checks must be signed by one of the following: the President or Treasurer, except for checks in an amount in excess of $500.00 where both signatures shall be required.
6. The finance committee shall consist of the President, the Treasurer, and not less than three members of ISOPE appointed by the President. It shall be available for discussions and decisions on any or all financial matters of ISOPE at the call of the President, should such discussions become necessary.
1. The Board of Directors will be made up of eight elected full members representing different respected geographical World divisions.
2. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to pass on all new candidates for membership in this Society stipulated in Article III of the Constitution.
3. It shall also be the duty of the Board of Directors to act as an advisory committee to the President. The Board shall fill vacancies in any office for an unexpired term, excepting the President. After each election it shall be the duty of the President to call as soon as possible a meeting of the Board and organize assignments for the coming year.
4. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to recommend to ISOPE the dismissal of a member for conduct detrimental to the welfare of the Society. A vote of three-fifths of the Board membership shall be sufficient to place the question of dismissal before the general membership. ISOPE membership shall be notified by mail of any proposed dismissal. A vote of three-fourths of the members present at a meeting shall be sufficient for dismissal. The accused shall have the right to defend him/herself before both the Board and the general membership.
1. The General Membership of the Association shall meet once each calendar year for
a General Membership Meeting and act upon any business brought before it. The
General Membership may elect to meet at any other time for any other purpose. The
Board of Directors shall establish the date, time and place of the annual seminar and
annual General Membership Meeting.
2. Voting Members as defined, present at any meeting of the General Membership shall constitute a quorum to transact any and all business brought before the membership by proper motion. A simple majority vote, unless otherwise provided in the motion, shall be sufficient to carry any motion. All votes, other than those for elective office, shall be taken by voice vote unless the motion requires a vote by secret written ballot in which case the vote shall be taken by secret written ballot.
3. Officers shall be elected by ballot by majority vote of those electors, as specified by the By-Laws Election Procedures. All Officers and Directors shall take office immediately upon taking the oath of office at the annual banquet held at the annual Seminar and General Membership Meeting.
4. In the event of death, resignation or the inability to act of any Officer or Director, the
Board of Directors shall immediately appoint any Voting Member to serve the unexpired
term of the deceased, resigned or disabled Officer or Director. A vacancy in the office of
the President shall be filled by the Senior Vice-President for the balance of the term
remaining, and one year thereafter, or until a successor is duly qualified. Any vacancy
in the office of the Immediate Past President will result in the duties of that office being
assumed by the President, who will retain rights as a voting member of the Board while
serving as Chair of the Board for the unexpired term, or until a successor as President
is duly qualified.
5. Members of the Board of Directors may be removed, for cause, by a majority vote of
the General Membership.
6. Any Member shall be entitled to speak on the floor at any meeting of the General
Membership. Only Voting Members as defined in the By-Laws shall have the right to
vote upon motions, elections or any other business brought before the general
7. Dues, and the amount thereof, may be established by a majority vote of the Board of
Directors. Dues shall be levied against all members in equal amount; provided, no dues
shall be levied against Life Members, Honorary Members or Retirees, and the amount
of dues levied against Chapter Members shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
8. For the sole purpose of providing recruitment incentives, when deemed appropriate,
the Board of Directors shall have the authority to waive, suspend, adjust, or modify the
existing membership dues and/or fees for specified groups of applicants or potential
applicants when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of ISOPE.
9. Special Assessments, and the amount thereof, may be established and levied by the
Board of Directors; provided, no single special assessment shall exceed the amount of
dues levied in the year in which the special assessment is imposed. All members,
except honorary members, may be subject to any assessment.
Standing and Ad-Hoc Committees
1. The President shall establish the following standing committees and shall appoint a
general chairperson from the membership of the Board of Directors for each committee:
a. Communication and Public relations Committee
b. Ethics and Grievance Committee
c. Member Services Committee
d. Professional Development Committee
e. Research and Development Committee
f. Standards and Specialized Testing Committee
g. Seminar Committee
h. Case Review Committee
2. The General Chair will nominate to the President appointment of eligible ISOPE
members to serve as chairpersons of each committee.
3. The Chairpersons report to the General Chair and supervise the operation of the various Committees.
4. The General Chair is responsible for presenting the status of the committee actions
to the President and the Board of Directors.
5. The President may establish Ad-Hoc committees for the purpose of administering
the goals and objectives of the Association and may appoint any Voting Member to act as Chairperson.
6. Policies and Procedures established by the Board of Directors in administrating the
Association shall be documented by the Secretary and retained at the National Office.
Disciplinary Action
Membership in ISOPE is a privilege not a right. Every member upon admittance to ISOPE shall be deemed to have agreed to comply with this Constitution. Therefore, any member is subject to the findings and disciplinary actions outlined below, up to and including expulsion from membership
1. Allegations of misconduct may include any of the following: illegal, unethical, dishonorable, indecorous or unbecoming behavior. Criminal behavior, whether felony or misdemeanor. Acts involving moral turpitude. Any conduct that injures or tends to bring discredit to the polygraph profession adversely effects the reputation of ISOPE. Allegation must be submitted in writing to any member of the Board of Directors. Within five days of receipt the Board member must submit the allegation to the President. The President will immediately forward a copy of the allegation to the Chair of the Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee, at its discretion, may determine if further action is warranted. The Society’s records will reflect the action leading to and including the resolution of the allegations. Upon receipt, the Secretary will notify the accused member in writing within ten working days of the nature of the allegation and the accuser. Notification will be made by certified mail with return receipt requested.
2. Grievance Committee: The Committee will consist of the presidentially appointed Director and two approved Members. The Director will serve as Chair of the Committee. The Grievance Committee will conduct an investigation of the allegation to include, but not be limited to, contacting all named parties within the allegation, review all written documentation (including charts, reports and other written documents associated with the allegations), review any associated recordings or videos and to take statements as necessary. The committee will use all reasonable and legal avenues to determine the truth and severity of the allegation. The President may grant permission
to the Grievance Committee to utilize polygraph examinations in the course of the inquiry. Within sixty days of receipt of the allegation, the Grievance Committee will make a written report to the Board of Directors concerning the Committees findings. This report shall include a recommendation as to a specific finding and discipline as noted below.
3. The Board of Directors, Chair of the Grievance Committee, will then hold a hearing. The Board of Directors, based upon the severity and nature of the accusation, and the proximity of the next Board meeting will determine if the hearing is to be conducted in person or by conference call. The Chair will notify the accused and the complainant of the hearing date, time and location by certified mail, return receipt. The accused and the complainant may choose to present his/her case either in person or in writing. The accused and complainant may present any witnesses who have information that are directly related to the accusation. The Board may call any witnesses it deems necessary. ISOPE will bear the cost of Board or Grievance Committee members directly related to the investigation and hearing with prior Board approval. ISOPE will not bear any cost related to the complainant or the accused. On the date of the hearing, after considering the Grievance Committee report, and all other available information, the Board will issue any findings by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board. The finding will reflect as to whether or not the allegation is found, unfounded or not sustained. A founded finding indicates that the allegation occurred. An unfounded finding indicates the preponderance of the evidence indicates that the allegation did not occur. Not sustained indicates either that the preponderance of the evidence could not support a finding or dismissal of the allegation or that the nature of the allegation is such that it is not a breach of the Constitution or Bylaws or it was unrelated to the accused’s reputation or work as polygraphist. If the allegation is founded, disciplinary action will be taken as described below.
4. Disciplinary Action will be decided by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board as follows:
a. Censure
b. Remedial training and/or probation
c. Suspension of membership (not to exceed 12 months) - reapplication m required
d. Revocation of membership - no reapplication allowed
At any time after an allegation is received, the accused member may resign. The Board of Directors by a majority vote will decide if the resignation is accepted with or without prejudice. A vote of with prejudice indicates that the allegation has enough merit that it is possible that the Board may elect to conduct an investigation within a twelve-month period.
5. Appeals
a. Within ten days of notification of the Board’s findings and disciplinary action, the accused may file an appeal of the finding or the disciplinary action. The notice of appeal must be in written form to the President. The finding and disciplinary action will be stayed pending the outcome of the appeal.
b. The appeal will be heard by the membership at the next scheduled Annual Meeting. Notice of the appeal hearing will be published preceding the Annual Meeting, or by the Secretary making a special mailing to the membership of the notice of the appeal hearing. The Chair of the Grievance Committee will present the report to the membership. The accused may present his/her side in person or in writing. A two-thirds majority vote the voting members can overturn the Board’s findings and may vote to reduce or overturn the Board’s disciplinary action. The decision of the membership is final.
1. By-Laws to this Constitution shall be established and maintained by the Board of
Directors for the purpose of promoting the mission of the Society and administering the
goals and objectives thereof.
2. Unless otherwise specified, By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority
vote of the ten (10) voting members of the Board; provided, no amendment or other
revision shall be voted upon unless a copy of the proposed amendment or revision has
been mailed or otherwise provided to all members of the Board at least thirty (30) days
prior to the meeting upon which the amendment is to be voted.
Parliamentary Authority
1. In all instances not covered by this Constitution, the parliamentary authority for the Society shall be Robert's Rules of Order, as amended.
2. All meetings of the General Membership shall be conducted in accordance with
Robert's Rules of Order, as amended.
3. All meetings of the Board of Directors shall be conducted in accordance with
Robert's Rules of Order, as amended.
1. This Constitution may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all Voting
Members, as designated:
a. present and voting at any meeting of the General Membership, or
b. by mail ballot.
c. No amendment or replacement shall be voted upon unless a copy of the proposed amendment or revision has been mailed or otherwise provided to all Voting Members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the amendment is to be voted upon or the deadline set in the mail ballot.
d. Amendments may be proposed by any member to the Board of Directors and shall be submitted to the General Membership either on order by the Board of Directors or by petition signed by five (5) members in good standing of ISOPE.
e. Amendments shall take effect immediately upon approval unless otherwise stated in the amendment.
The effective date of this Constitution is January 1, 2014